
Embroidery on Lutrador, distressed with a heat-gun after stitching

Sunflower-leaf prints on white cotton fabric. Background: leaf prints on paper with a dusting of gesso, then colour-washed with Procion dye.

Print and dye, collage and stitch

Sunflower leaf prints on white cotton

‘Snippet sandwich’ of fabric and threads, layer of net and machine stitched. Edging stitched on soluble fabric

White Lutrador, coloured with transfer-dye, stitched then ‘distressed’ with a heat-gun. Float-mounted away from the backing

Silk chiffon painted with silk paints, background quilted on the sewing machine, hand-embellished details

‘Batik’ effect created with starch-resist on cotton

White fabric stitched with white threads, then dyed

Flowers made from ‘paper-cloth’ (paper on muslin)

Dyed manipulated viscose-silk velvet

Silk viscose velvet, dyed with Procion and manipulated before stitching.

Layered background, cut-away layers to form grasses

Acrylic print on cotton fabric, stitched white-on-white with a dusting of gesso, then dyed

Coloured Lutrador, printed with an Indian print-block and machine-stitched, then ‘distressed’ with a heat-gun before adding silver metal threads

Eco-print on silk satin, with copper mordant, then quilted

Strips of sari-silk. Edging stitched on soluble fabric

From a workshop with Esther Collins

Khadi paper painted with Potassium Permanganate and bleached with lemon-juice, then hand-stitched. Inspired by Mbuti bark-cloth designs

Layered organza stitched over soluble fabric before cutting away with a soldering iron.

From a workshop with Esther Collins

Eco-print on paper soaked in tea, with copper mordant

From a workshop with Esther Collins

From a workshop with Esther Collins

White Lutrador, coloured with transfer dye, stitched then ‘distressed’ with a heat-gun. Float-mounted to raise away from backing

Layered fabrics and threads with dyed velvet.

Metal thread and metallic kid on a machine-embroidered background

Metal thread and metallic kid on a background of gold foil on velvet

Metal thread and metallic kid on a background of gold foil on velvet

Metal threads on a background of layered fabrics and threads

Machine embroidery on a background of crumpled, coloured tissue paper. Painted puff-paint embellishments with gold ‘jap’ edging

Stitched on a hand-made felt background

Stitched on a hand-made felt background

Stitched on a hand-made felt background

Outline: velvet stretched over padded card. Centre: manipulated coloured plastic. Inspired by Elizabethan doublets

Background: coloured crunched tissue-paper bonded to cotton

Background: coloured crunched tissue-paper bonded to cotton.

Background: coloured crunched tissue-paper bonded to cotton.

Background: coloured crunched tissue-paper bonded to cotton.

Metal thread, metallic kid and shisha mirrors stitched on hand-made felt.

White Lutrador, coloured with transfer dyes, stitched then ‘distressed’ with a heat-gun. Float-mounted away from the backing.

‘Batik’ effect created with glue-resist.

Print, dye, collage and stitch. From a workshop with Hilary Beattie.

Silk dupion with gold foiling: edging stitched on soluble fabric. ‘Jap’ embellishment.

Silk dupion with gold foiling: edging stitched on soluble fabric. ‘Jap’ and bead embellishment.

Silk dupion with gold foiling: edging stitched on soluble fabric. ‘Jap’ embellishment.

Silk dupion with gold foiling: edging stitched on soluble fabric. ‘Jap’ embellishment.

Silk dupion with gold foiling: edging stitched on soluble fabric. ‘Jap’ and bead embellishment.

Collage of white fabric, stitched with white thread, then dyed.

Collage of white fabric, stitched with white thread, then dyed.

Collage of Procion-dyed fabrics.

White Lutrador coloured with transfer dyes, stitched then ‘distressed’ with a heat-gun. Float-mounted away from the backing.

Stitched white-on-white, then dyed.

Quilted eco-print on cotton, with an iron mordant.

Stitched white-on-white, then dyed.

Acrylic prints on white fabric with a dusting of white gesso. Stitched in white, then dyed.

White Lutrador coloured with transfer dyes, stitched then ‘distressed’ with a heat-gun. Float-mounted away from the backing.

Acrylic prints on white fabric with a dusting of white gesso. Stitched in white, then dyed.

Sunflower-leaf prints on white cotton.

Fabric collage, stitched in white, then dyed.

Eco-print on paper soaked in tea, with a copper mordant.

Eco-print on paper soaked in tea, with an iron mordant.

Pewter sheet stitched with metallic thread over a background of layered fabrics and threads.

Stitched white-on-white, then dyed.

Metal threads and metallic kid on a background of layered fabrics and threads.

Goldwork on silk dupion. This was used as the Embroiderers Guild Annual Christmas card.

Acrylic paint prints on white cotton with a light dusting of gesso. Stitched in white, then dyed.

Eco-print on paper soaked in tea. Leaves soaked in copper and iron.

Silk chiffon painted with silk paints, machine quilted background and hand-embellished details.

Sunflower leaf prints on white cotton with a dusting of gesso. Hand-stitched, then over-dyed and hand-embellished insects.

White Lutrador coloured with transfer dyes, stitched then ‘distressed’ with a heat-gun. Float-mounted away from the background.

Goldwork on silk dupion.

Sunflower leaf prints on white cotton with a dusting of white gesso, overdyed then quilted with seeding stitch and insects added.

Goldwork on silk dupion.

Sunflower leaf prints on white cotton with a dusting of white gesso, overdyed then quilted with seeding stitch and insects added.

Goldwork on silk dupion.

Potassium Permanganate on paper, bleached with lemon juice and colour added.

Sunflower leaf prints on white cotton with a dusting of white gesso, overdyed then quilted with seeding stitch and insects added.

Eco-print on paper soaked in tea. Leaves soaked in copper and iron.

Potassium Permanganate on paper, bleached with lemon juice and colour added.

Silk sari strips bonded to cotton.

Pewter sheet stitched with silver metallic thread. Velvet leaf added through ‘cut-away’ opening in the pewter. Stitched on background of layered fabrics and threads.

Design inspired by carving on a fort in India. Background: crumpled coloured tissue-paper bonded to cotton.

Metal kid on background of layered fabrics and threads.

Made for the 100 Hearts exhibition by the Embroiderers Guild, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the first world war.

Silk chiffon painted with silk paints, machine quilted background and hand-stich details.

Collaged dyed fabrics.

Commission for the Sussex Eye Hospital. The brief was to use an image of eyes, but in an abstracted form. Felt details over a background of layered fabrics and threads.

Detail of Sussex Eye Hospital commission.

From a workshop with Izzy Moore.

Detail of entry for 100 Hears exhibition.

Machine stitching with silver metallic thread on pewter (a good way to break lots of needles!)

Detail of Sussex Eye Hospital commission.

Machine stitching with silver metallic thread on pewter.

From a course with Gwen Hedley